So, I realize that this post is long over due but, better late than never right!?
I am a mom to one little Stink Bug, or so I lovingly call her on this blog! I hope that she is not the only Stink Bug in my future but, only God knows that for sure! I am married to a wonderful man who is a jack of all trades. (Who would say that their husband was NOT wonderful on their blog anyways? Who knows, he might READ this post! Just teasing! He is a sweety!) He is currently going back to school to get a degree in A&P.
I have earned my BSEd and my MEd which really only matters when I say that I have only one student right now who is a priority in my life. That is my precious little girl. I have always wanted to be a mommy first and foremost, and a teacher second. I feel like starting down the homeschooling path with her is letting me enjoy both worlds. I am not sure how long I will homeschool but for now, my husband and I have made a commitment to homeschool her through kindergarten and will reevaluate then!
Why are we choosing to homeschool you might ask? Well I believe that that question deserves its own post! I will link to it here once it is posted!
I really love to sew, as I am finding more and more mamas do too! For a long time I thought that it was a silly hobby for a girl in 20's to have and that I was just an old fuddy duddy. Well, that is no longer the case! Over the last few years the blogging world has really opened my eyes to all that sewing is, and can be. Many of my projects have morphed from more "traditional" sewing projects, like store bought patterned baby blankets and aprons into upcycled, imaginative, and exciting projects! I still love and adore patterns, don't get me wrong. I just get a kick out of crafting something on the fly!
My husband and I are currently getting our home ready to be put on the market to sell. Grubby fingernails, and painted hair, seem to be a normality around here. I don't see much of an end in sight either. We are trying to buy a foreclosed home which will require a bit of elbow grease and then some! I am sure there will be future posts about the mess we are sure to find ourselves in!
Stick around for the mess and enjoy the Ash Tree Meadow!
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